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Name Aliases Description Usage
awooify None Awooify a user .awooify [user=Author]
bam None Bams a user .bam <target>
cat cade Gives you a random cat picture .cat
chill cool cold Chills a user .chill <user>
dog None Gives you a random dog picture .dog
headpat pat Pat someone .headpat
hug None Hugs someone .hug [member]
iq None Your iq is 3 .iq [member=Author]
jpegify needsmorejpeg Jpegify an image .jpegify [image=LastImage]
kurisuwhiteboard kurisudraw Kurisu can solve this, can you? .kurisuwhiteboard <text>
lakitufyi None Makes a Lakitu FYI meme with your own text .lakitufyi <text>
lolice None Lolice chief .lolice [user=Author]
mock None Mocks text .mock [rest] [--message]
owoify owo uwuify An owo-ifier .owoify [rest] [--random] [--lastmessage]
screwedup None Miko Iino tells you that you are screwed up in the head .screwedup [member=Author]
slap None Slap yourself or someone. .slap [person]
warm None Warms a user .warm <user>
xkcd None Shows an xkcd comic.

If no value is supplied or the value isn't found, it gives the latest xkcd instead.
.xkcd [value]

Last update: June 22, 2021